Guide with the analysis

Characteristics of the Population

Regarding the target group of the described good practice projects, from the 22 entities that responded to this question (many of them selected more than one topic), it is verified that:

  • 44,8% (n=13) entities referred to involve only people with disabilities and there are not only support assistants involved but also volunteers who provide the necessary support to disabled participants and promote equal access opportunities.
  • 37,9% (n=11) entities referred to involve the general public including people with disabilities, 3 entities reported that there are no support assistants involved and 8 entities reported that there are support assistants involved in assisting students with disabilities, acquiring knowledge and volunteering.
  • 13,8% (n=4) entities referred to involve the general public without disabilities
  • 3,4% (n=1) entity referred to involve other marginalised groups
  • Regarding the staff that the program / initiative involves:
    • Sport Technicians are involved in 13 programs / initiatives
    • Teachers are involved in 7 programs / initiatives
    • Health Technicians are involved in 5 programs / initiatives
    • Social Technicians are involved in 4 programs / initiatives
    • Assistants are involved in 4 programs / initiatives
    • 4 programs / initiatives also classified as “staff: others” and all mentioned that the organization has different types of professionals, volunteers and monitors and physicians and other staff members of the club are involved
  • 10 entities reported the involvement of families
  • 2 entities that selected “Others” mentioned top athletes and local sport club officials

Graphics 31 –Target group(s) of the organization’s programs/ initiatives – People with/ without disabilities & Staff/ Families

Target group(s) of the organization's programs/ initiatives - People with/ without disabilities


  • General Public without disabilities 13.8%
  • General Public including people with disabilities 37.9%
  • Only people with disabilities 44.8%
  • Other marginalised groups 3.4%

Target group(s) of the organization's programs/ initiatives Staff/ Families


  • Staff: Teacher 14.3%
  • Staff: Sport Technicians 26.5%
  • Staff: Health Technicians 10.2%
  • Staff: Social Technicians 8.2%
  • Staff: Assistants 8.2%
  • Staff: Others 8.2%
  • Families 20.4%
  • Others 4.1%

Concerning the average age of the participants, the 16 entities that responded to this question, it is verified that:

  • As regards the general public without people with disabilities, in both the male and female genres, the prevailing age range is 13 to 17 years;
  • As regards the general public including people with disabilities, the average prevalence of the age range from 24 to 35 years of age followed by 13 to 17 years and in the female gender the average age is between 13 and 17 years and 24 and 35 years;
  • With regard to the only people with disabilities, in both the male and the female gender, the average age between 13 and 17 years prevails, and in the male gender, the average is 24-35 and 36-64, and in the female gender the mean age is 36-64;
  • For the other marginalized groups there is greater dispersion in respondent entities.


  • Regarding the target audience that the program / initiative involves, it is verified that, with respect to the average of ages, the majority of the professionals of the different areas, between 36 and 64 years of both the male participants and the female participants, however, it should be noted that:
    • In the “staff: sport technicians”, in the male gender 3 entities reported that they have engaged between the ages of 24 and 35; and in the female gender the number of professionals between the ages of 36 and 64 equals the number of professionals between the ages of 24 and 35;
    • In staff, health technicians, the number of professionals between the ages of 36 and 64 equals the number of professionals between the ages of 24 and 35;
    • In “staff: social technicians”, in the masculine gender the majority of the professionals involved are in the average of ages between the 24 and the 35 years;
    • In the “staff: assistants”, in the masculine gender one of the entities also mentioned that it involves people between the 18 and the 23 years.
  • Relative to the families involved in the program / initiative, the majority are between 36 and 64 years old.
  • Regarding the other category: 1 entity referred to both the male gender and the female gender, the average age between 24 and 35 years (24) and another entity reported both the male gender and the female gender, the average of ages between 36 and 64 years (3).

Graphic 32 –The average age of males and females participants – People with/ without disabilities & Staff/ Families


Personal Factors


  • 65 years
  • 36 - 64 years
  • 24 - 35 years
  • 18 - 23 years
  • 13 - 17 years
  • 7-12 years
  • 6 years

The Average Age of Male Participants Staff/ Families


  • 65 years
  • 36 - 64 years
  • 24 - 35 years
  • 18 - 23 years
  • 13 - 17 years
  • 7-12 years
  • 6 years

The Average Age of Female Participants People with/ without disabilities


  • 65 years
  • 36 - 64 years
  • 24 - 35 years
  • 18 - 23 years
  • 13 - 17 years
  • 7-12 years
  • 6 years

The Average Age of Female Participants Staff/ Families


  • 65 years
  • 36 - 64 years
  • 24 - 35 years
  • 18 - 23 years
  • 13 - 17 years
  • 7-12 years
  • 6 years

Graphic 33 – Graphic about participants with disabilities and their functionality

In the case of participants with disabilities, what type(s) of functioning do/ did they have difficulty with...


  • Some Difficulty
  • A lot of Difficulty
  • Cannot do at all

Regarding the type(s) of functioning of the participants with disabilities, from the 19 entities that responded to this question:

  • the majority mentioned that the participants have some or a lot of seeing (even with glasses);
  • the majority reported that participants have some difficulty, followed by a lot of difficulty of hearing (even with hearing aid) and one entity stated that they cannot do it at all;
  • most stated that the participants have a lot of difficulty, followed by some difficulty in movement (even with walking, running, climbing steps, etc.), and an entity stated that they cannot do it at all;
  • the majority reported that the participants have some difficulty, followed by much difficulty of remembering or concentrating;
  • the majority reported that the participants have some difficulty, followed by a lot of difficulty of communication (understanding or being understood, etc.),;
  • most reported that participants have some difficulty, followed by a lot of difficulty of self-care (changing, etc.), and one entity stated that they cannot do it at all.