Financing Sport


Guide with the analysis

Graphic 16 – Answer to the question: In your country, who funds sport for people with disabilities?

In your country, who funds sport for people with disabilities?


  • Others
  • Public/ Private Consortia
  • Private Foundation
  • Government
  • Item name 5
  • Item name 6
  • Item name 7
  • Item name 8

About this question, of the 17 entities that responded to this question, it turns out that:

  • • Government finances most of the variants promoting sports for people with disabilities, except in the Private Sector;
  • • In the Paralympic and Sport for all – Clubs are the first, followed by the Government, the Private Foundation, Public / Private Consortia and Others;
  • • In the High Competition variant, the Private Foundation and Public / Private Consortia are equal, followed by others;
  • • In the Regular Competition, Sport for all and Sport for all – Education variants, followed by Government, the Public / Private Consortia, the Private Foundations and then others;
  • • In the Sport for all – Health and Sport for all – municipalities variants, followed by Government, the Public / Private Consortia, the others and then the Private Foundation;
  • • In the Private Sector variant, Private Foundation funding prevails, followed by Public / Private Consortia, others, and then government.

Graphic 17 – Answer the question: Does the national grants programs encourage sport for all?

Of the 16 entities that responded to this question:

  • • 93,8% (n=15) entities answered “yes”
  • • 6,3% (n=1) entities answered “no”

In your country, who has the responsibility on the regional level to promote sport for all?


  • yes 93.7%
  • no 6.3%