Guide with the analysis

Sport Participation: Facilitators & Barriers to Participation

Regarding the barriers and facilitators in the field of sports inclusion, of the 13 entities that respond to this question, it turns out that:

  • • Regarding the social environment, most of the entities referred family support and attitudes to inclusion as facilitators; most of the entities referred staff qualifications, culture, policies, funding and other as barriers.
  • • Regarding the physical environment, most entities referred assistive technologies and marketing and information as facilitators; most entities referred facilities, equipment and transport as barriers. Regarding the other aspects, one entity mentioned that they can also be both a facilitator and a barrier.
  • • Regarding personal facts, most of the entities referred personality, confidence and others as facilitators; most entities referred demographic, social background and past experience as barriers.

Graphic 22 – Barriers and facilitators in inclusive sport

Social Environment


  • Facilitators
  • Barriers

Physical Environment


  • Facilitators
  • Barriers

Personal Factors


  • Facilitators
  • Barriers

Thus, in general, the following stand out as facilitating factors: family support, attitudes to inclusion, marketing and information and confidence; and as barriers: staff qualifications, culture, facilities, equipment, and transports.